2017-05-22 Change of plans
Just like a leaf, wafting on the wind, changing direction, so too, do our plans follow a similar pattern!
The plan was to do the Great Loop – a year long boat trip in the USA. For various reasons we have again changed our plans for our next adventure in a few years time. No longer a boat trip. No longer in the USA!!
No, currently the thinking is to do a caravan trip around Australia!! Of course, we know nothing about caravanning! Our whole life has revolved around boats and boating. But hey, it must be easier that boating.
I mean, in the caravan you don’t have to worry about anchoring, or the weather (to a large degree), repairs in remote, exotic often deserted areas (to some degree). No wind or waves. No anchor watch through the night. No worrying about unknown anchorages or marina berthing in cross tide and wind conditions! No currents to push you here or there. No tides to worry about depth of water under the keel. No risk of running aground. No thoughts of engine failure while maneuvering in close quarters amongĀ multi-million dollar yachts.
No, none of those stresses! Simply drive up, get van in position and enjoy a sun-downer.
Methinks, it could be a simple lifestyle compare the the boating lifestyle!